phrasal verbs

A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb with a preposition or it could also be a combination of a verb and an adverb. When this combination occurs the meaning of the word changes completely. Therefore, it is important to know the meaning to use them correctly when we are speaking.

Let’s see some examples of phrasal verbs that could be really useful and that you might or might not know.

  1. Tidy up
    • To put things back in their proper places.
    • Example: My mom made my bed and tidied up my room. 
  2. Work out
    • To do physical exercises in order to keep yourself fit.
    • Example: Thomas works out at the gym twice a week.
  3. Move on
    • To stop or finish one activity and start doing something different.
    • Example: Can we move on and discuss the next topic of the day, please.
  4. Kick out
    • To force someone to leave from a place.
    • Example: My mom kicked me out.
  5. Speak up
    • To speak more loudly
    • Example: I can’t listen to you, could you speak up?
  6. Chill out
    • To relax after you have done something tiring or stressful.
    • Example: You have been working really hard, you should chill out for a moment.
  7. Doze off
    • To fall into a light sleep, especially during the daytime. 
    • Example: I closed my eyes for a minute and must haver dozed off.
  8. Break up
    • When a relationship with a person ends.
    • Example: My boyfriend broke up with me last month.
  9. Plug in
    • To connect electronic equipment to an electricity supply using a plug.
    • Example: She went to plug in her phone.
  10. Give up
    • You stop trying to do something.
    • Example: Keep trying and don’t give up.

Por: Alma Izquierdo.

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